From 1 to 10, how comfortable do you feel to speak French?
If you chose 9 or 10, well done! Maybe we should just get a coffee and chat, because the conversation classes are not really for you.
On the other hand, whenever you want or have to speak French, if you feel...
- embarrassed
- stuck
- nervous
- insecure
- unable to build the "right" sentence
- unable to remember simple words
Or all of the above...
...keep on reading, because the conversation classes are the solution you need!
How are the conversation classes different from the courses?
While improving speaking skills is always an important part in the courses, the main purpose is to LEARN the language (with listening comprehensions,
grammar practice and of course vocabulary).
The conversation classes are the stage for your speaking practice. They are an opportunity to express verbally everything you have learned, to practice your ability to respond and communicate fluently. They are the way to your ultimate goal: speak French.
How does it work?
Each class and its own topic!
Before the class, you will receive a vocabulary list related to the topic so that you can check and revise what you already know, learn a few words and get ready.
During the class, I will ask questions and make sure every participant answer. I will also help with required vocabulary or grammar and give corrections if needed.
The questions are an opportunity to start a conversation between the participants.
At the end of each class, you will receive the recording and the screenshots.
Full disclosure: it will be challenging, perhaps even frustrating at the first class, but at the second one you will already feel improvement!
The conversation classes will allow you to:
meet other people at the same level in French and thus feel safer talking.
enrich vocabulary in diverse and useful fields
learn from others (from their knowledge and mistakes)
practice speaking in a supportive and non-judgmental atmosphere
maximize all the knowledge you've acquired in the past for fluent speech
How exactly will the classes help me talk?
Learn more
about the different levels
Thursdays, 17:30 Paris time
Important notice: for the moment, those classes are open to Hebrew speakers only.
If you are interested in joining conversation classes for intermediate level for English speakers, please contact me by clicking here.
Those classes are suitable for anyone who...
- knows enough words to express himself/herself in everyday life.
- knows the present and the past tenses (it's not necessary to have it mastered!)
- is able to express his/her opinion on various topics (even in simple words)
Wednesdays, 17:00 Paris time
Important notice: those classes are for English speakers.
Those classes are suitable for anyone who...
- knows mostly vocabulary, but finds it very hard to speak and build sentences
- knows the present tense (it's not necessary to have it mastered!)
- wants to start practice speaking even with the little he/she knows
Still not sure if you can join? Contact me before signing up.
Mondays - Intermediate level
10:00-11:00 Paris time
Upcoming classes: update soon
Thursdays - Intermediate level
17:30-18:30 Paris time
Upcoming classes:
2.1.25 - Days and Evenings
9.1.25 - Parents
16.1.25 - Items of the future